Wednesday, March 14, 2012


OK so who needs sleep well the simple answer to that is we all do.  But the bigger question is how much?  I have found myself trying to find that magic number of how many hours of sleep do I really need.  Ideally I would love to get a good 7-8 hours a night.  Come to find out when I went through this sleep study last week I am only getting about 3-4 a night so pretty much half what I would like to be getting.  This few hours of sleep I am getting is not solid or straight through.  I wake up often during the night and not just for a few minutes here and there but for hours at a time.  My sleep quality is at 47-49% and the doctors say they prefer for it to be 90% or higher.  Honestly who could sleep with all these wires going all over your body I had I don't know how many thing tapped or glued to me I do know that I had one on my left cheek right below my eye that made it hard to get comfortable on my side and I had 2 on each calf.  Now with some answers I don't have sleep apnea.  Ok that is a plus but the doctors have no clue why I am not sleeping well I generally don't have a problem getting to sleep it is staying asleep that is my problem. I am however thankful that I have doctors that I am working with that want to help figure out the solution to the problem even if they don't know can't figure out the cause.

I just got to thinking though if I am not sleeping and feel like crud every day how do those that have sleep apnea or that snore function.  I know the only time I felt worse was when I had a new born and my husband kept me up snoring all night.  He does have sleep apnea which is part of what got us thinking I might also since I well felt worse than he did when he went through his sleep studies.  You know these people are out on the road driving and not just cars but buses and trucks too.

I am happily on a track that I think will have me being more alert during the day and back to what one would consider normal.  I am only 2 days in on trying this new medication to help me sustain sleep but I hope it is the answer.  Does anyone remember a particularly good night of sleep?  I remember some great sleep it was when I was a teen and I went to sleep one afternoon and didn't wake up until a day and a half later and felt so refreshed and awake.  I feel right now like I really need this type of sleep but can't with my children the life of a Mom.  I wouldn't give it up for anything though.

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