Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Getting Started

I set up this blog so long ago and am just now making my first post.  I have so many interests it isn't funny I like to craft, to scrapbook, to sew, but most of all I love homeschooling my children.  Currently I am only homeschooling two of three that will change with the next school year as the teen wants to join the ranks of homeschooling.  I look forward to the challenge that presents as well as schooling my elementary children.  

Funny thing I notice that life moves so fast we don't even realize how fast.  It seems like just yesterday I was boarding a plane in Jacksonville, Fl to go to Los Angeles for the first time in 11 years to see my Great Auntie Bee and my Gramma.  I kind of butted in on my brothers trip as he was heading over seas and didn't want to leave before seeing them in case something happened to one of them while he was gone.  I felt the same but it wasn't while I was gone it was that I hadn't seen them in 11 years.  That weekend went by so quickly we did enjoy our rental car we splurged and got a camero for the 4 days that we were there which really when you put in that we arrived at 11pm on a Thursday night and left at 9am on that Sunday we really were only there for 2 days.  At the end of June our days of being active duty were over as Jonathan retired after 20 years of Navy service.  Jonathan job searched for months while working construction jobs for a friend of ours to fill the gap when finally in November he got a job and left for Montgomery, AL. leaving me to setup our final Navy move in 3 weeks and just before Christmas.  Along with Gabriel getting his tonsils removed while I was single Mommin' it.  Funny thing is this was pretty close to 2 years ago in 2010.

Our 2011 was just as eventful tons of medical things going on between 4 of us the teen has stayed healthy her only on going issue is braces and boy are they expensive.  In February of 2011 we got snowed in during that record breaking blizzard in Oklahoma the children and I had traveled there for a funeral.  Our trip earned us a bonus of seeing my Niece when she was just a new baby.  Getting my feet wet with Homeschooling my little ones.  Sarah having her tonsils removed 3 days after her birthday.  All the while I have no energy and the doctors have no clue why.  Our house that we own in Georgia went you could say rentless for 9 months of the year though through legal channels we are slowly getting the final bit of that covered.

Now it is already a good bit through March of 2012 and there again has been so much going on.  I traveled thanks to my wonderful Dad to Los Angeles again in February this is only the second time in 13 years now that I have been back to the land I grew up in and I wish it was a visit for a happier occasion.  My wonderful and always bright and cheerful Great Auntie Bee passed away but I will think of it more as she went home on 4 February 2012 after living a very long life of 102.5 years.  I am thankful that I got to see a bunch of family that I hadn't seen for many years and even met some that I don't remember ever meeting but I had heard stories about.  I was also able to stay with a friend from the past, I won't say an old friend because we are the same age and we aren't that old.  I am thankful to Alison and her husband Eric for opening their home to me for the weekend I was able to really enjoy my trip.  All the while a neighbor watched the little ones for me for a day and my Hubby took a day off work so I could make the trip.  Our family is currently planning on making a long drive out to California this summer so that the kids and hubby can meet as many of my Aunts, Uncles and cousins as possible but most importantly my Gramma.  

I can't believe all the things have happened over the last couple of years and it has gone by so very very quickly.

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